Terms Of Service

Thank you for visiting our website. This document is our Terms of Service (i.e. “Agreement”) for

our Company’s website. It is a legally binding contract between our Company; visitors; users;

and customers. If you do not like or agree with these terms or are under the age of eighteen, we

ask that you do not use; access this website; or reserve services through our Company.

We reserve the right to amend or change our Terms of Service at any time and by your

continued use of our website and services, you are agreeing to these provisions. Our Privacy

Policy is separate from this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, Hacienda Service

Team may also mean “We”, “Us” or “Our”. And Customer or Client may also mean “You” or

“Your”. Hacienda Service Team is not the employer of the house cleaner referred to you. We refer

highly vetted cleaners in the area to our customers.

1. Cleaning Services

Hacienda Service Team provides professional, residential and other cleaning services.

When scheduling online, you will be prompted to provide your contact information as well as

selecting a specific cleaning service. We will also need to know the size of the premises to be

cleaned as well as the number of bathrooms and perhaps other items. Keep in mind that all

bookings will always have a one to two (1-2) hour arrival window due to unexpected delays or

force majeure events. Rate increases or changes will be posted on our website and/or

customers will be notified via email.

2. Scheduling and Confirmation

Confirmation: When booking a cleaning service online, you understand that it does not

automatically guarantee a customer an appointment for that day and time. When booking,

scheduling conflicts may occur. One of our representatives will contact you by email or by phone

with a confirmation for your appointment.

In order for our Company to keep prices low and avoid trip fees, we schedule our cleanings in

an order that requires the least amount of driving time. If you need a specific time, we will do our

best to meet your needs, but we cannot make any guarantees.

The Customer is expected to be on premises at the time of our representative’s arrival unless

previous arrangements have been made with a security code and key.

If the Customer is unavailable and our representative or agent is locked out, you understand

and agree that it will incur a $100.00 lockout fee. Appointment Window: Our Company permits a one to two-hour arrival window due to

unforeseen events (i.e. traffic; weather; etc) for each scheduled cleaning. If for some reason our

representative is running behind schedule, our Company will notify you via phone call or text.

3. Payment

Payment for services can be made via credit or debit card through the Client portal located on

the website or via phone call. Our Company accepts all major credit and debit cards. We

reserve the right to collect and retain your credit/debit card information for payment of cleaning

services rendered. You understand that your card will not be charged until after the scheduled

cleaning has been performed. Payment Options and Discounts: We offer different cleaning payment options depending upon

the frequency. Customers may schedule weekly, bi-weekly and/or monthly cleaning services

unless otherwise discussed. Please specify the plan selected through our Booking Portal.

Additional services are available through the Website Portal or you can call or email us for a

custom quote. Customers who enroll in weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning services will be billed on a

regular basis and you authorize our Company to charge your credit or debit card on file. You will

be charged only after the scheduled cleaning has been provided.

Financial Responsibility: You understand and agree to be personally and financially responsible

for any and all outstanding costs and fees for cleaning services as provided by our Company

and within this Agreement. This includes and is not limited to collection costs; attorneys fees;

and legal costs; for unpaid amounts on account.

4. Refunds

We do not offer refunds since we have established our business on providing our customers

with the highest quality service possible. However, mistakes happen and are acceptable. If you

are unhappy with your completed scheduled cleaning, please call or email us within 24 hours of

the event and we will correct the error at no additional charge to you.

5. Right to Refuse Service

Our Company reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service at any time and for any reason

to protect our Company, subcontractors, and agents. Our policies prevent our representatives

and agents from working on premises where there are weapons; extreme clutter; disconnected

utilities; or aggressive pets.

6. Cancellation FeeYou understand that our subcontractors and agents have the option to leave the premises if the

area is in an exceedingly unclean state; if they feel intimidated, unsafe, or endangered. If our

subcontractor or agent cancels a scheduled cleaning due to any of the above reasons, you

understand and agree that you will be charged a $100.00 cancellation fee.

7. Cancellations

24 Hour Notice: We require a minimum of 24-hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule

your cleaning appointment in order to avoid a $100.00 cancellation fee. Customers must either

provide notice via email or by phone call.

Cancellation Fee: Failure to provide notice via email or phone call or failure to provide notice

within 24 hours will result in a $100.00 cancellation fee that will be charged to the Customer’s

credit card on file. If the Customer cancels service in less than 24 hours, you understand and

agree that you will be charged a $100.00 cancellation fee.

Lockouts: If our Company’s representatives are unable to gain entrance to the property upon

arrival for a scheduled cleaning; are turned away at the door; or refused entrance for a

scheduled cleaning; without notice, then you understand that you will be charged a $100.00

cancellation fee which shall be charged to your card on file.

8. Security and Alarms

Access: By scheduling a cleaning service, you are granting our Company’s representatives and

agents access to your home or premises to conduct a scheduled cleaning.

Security Systems: If your home has a security system, please notify our Company in advance of

the cleaning. The system must be in the “off” position or in the alternative provide our company

with instructions and code in order to operate the system and to provide service. Please notify

us immediately if the security code changes in order to prevent a lockout fee.

Keys: Hacienda Service Team is not responsible for any damages or theft to the client’s home if

the client chooses to leave a door open or place a key under a mat or in any other unsecured

location for the providers to get access.

Upon termination or cancellation of services, our Company shall return all customer keys in its

possession within 48 hours or the next business day.

9. Utilizing the Customer’s Equipment

If the Customer requests that we use their cleaning equipment or vacuum, you understand and

agree that neither our Company, owners, employees, or agents will assume or accept

responsibility for the equipment or damages that may occur. You understand and agree that we

are not responsible for the equipment’s upkeep and maintenance. Therefore, we will not pay or reimburse a Customer for damaged or broken equipment. In

addition, if the Customer’s equipment or vacuum is inoperable at the time of our representative’s arrival for a scheduled

cleaning, they will be unable to vacuum your floors and carpets unless permitted to use their

own equipment.

10. Special Cleaning Instructions

Green Cleaning Supplies: Please notify us prior to cleaning if you require us to use exclusively

green cleaning solutions. Personal Cleaning Supplies: If you desire that our representatives use your personal cleaning

supplies, please have the cleaning chemicals and material readily available. This will allow

representatives and agents to complete cleaning service as efficiently as possible.

What We Cannot Clean: Please note that we do not provide mold removal or cleaning services

nor do we provide hazardous material cleaning. We do not clean hoarding homes or places

involving bodily fluids; blood; feces; vomit; cat litter boxes; bird cages; urine or excrement from

animals or humans.

Limited Liability: Please note, neither our Company, its owners; employees; representatives; or

agents; will be liable or responsible for cleaning products and materials provided by the

Customer. In addition, you agree to hold our Company, its owners, employees, representatives,

or agents harmless from any and all damages; injuries; harm; accident; or loss; as a result of

using the Customer’s cleaning products and materials including but not limited to: vacuums;

equipment; towels; cloths; detergents; and any other cleaning agents.

11. Inaccessible Locations & Heavy Objects

Because of safety and liability concerns, our representatives and agents are not permitted to

climb higher than a step stool or work outside of the home or premises. If you wish our

representatives or agents to clean behind large appliances; furniture; artwork; or other large

items, the Customer must move them if they weigh more than 35 pounds.

12. Breakage and Loss

Our representatives and agents are professional, experienced cleaners. All of our

representatives are insured and will take reasonable precautions when cleaning your home or

premises. However, the chance of property damage or breakage happens. Personal property

that is damaged or lost must be reported within 24 hours either via email or by phone.

Limited Liability: You understand and agree that our Company, its owners; employees; and

agents are not responsible for damages caused by: regular wear and tear; improper installation

of an item in your home including but not limited to artwork, collectibles, or family artifacts that

were not revealed during the booking process. Instructions: Fragile goods: Artwork, Collectibles, and Family Heirlooms: These objects are

expensive and irreplaceable; therefore, please identify them ahead of time. Prior to your

scheduled cleaning, please specify how you would like your fragile goods handled.

13. Non-Solicitation

You understand and agree that during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one year

immediately after its termination or expiration, you acknowledge and agree not to solicit any

employee; agent; independent contractor of Hacienda Service Team, nor induce any employee;

agent or independent contractor associated with our Company to terminate or breach an

employment; contractual; or other relationship for the purpose of solicitation (i.e. To work directly

for the customer).

14. Modification and Assignment

The customer understands and agrees that this Agreement and their obligations herein may not

be assigned, sold, transferred, or modified, without the prior written consent of an authorized

representative of our Company.

15. Website Usage

We are providing our customers with a user-friendly platform to obtain assistance for the

purpose of cleaning services. Users can visit and access our website for any legal or lawful

purpose. In order to protect our intellectual property, our customers, agents, users, and visitors

are prohibited from:

- Downloading, copying, or transmitting any of our website content without our permission;

- Using data mining or extraction software, or bots;

- Manipulating or using framing or other navigational technology;

- Registering, subscribing, unsubscribing, or attempting to register, subscribe, or unsubscribe

any person; user; company; or anyone else for our products or services unless you have


- Using our website or its content for any other purpose other than which it was intended:

marketing and email campaigns;

- Harassing; stalking; bullying; or threatening behavior towards our Company, it’s owners,

employees, agents, customers or users;

- Engaging in any behavior that might violate our rights, such as our intellectual property rights;

or that of our customers;

- Impeding or interfering with our website; its security; or our server.

16. Text Message Consent Opt-in Message: You have successfully opted in for messages from Hacienda Service Team.

Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

Opt-in Keywords: Subscribe, Start

Opt-out Message: You have successfully been unsubscribed. You will not receive any more

messages from this number. Reply START to resubscribe.


Help Message: Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.

Help Keywords: HELP, INFO

17. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the

Location, without regard to conflicts of law provisions. If any clause or paragraph in this

agreement is considered unenforceable or invalid under any law or statute or made invalid by

an Order of a Court of law, the invalid or unenforceable clause shall not render the balance of

this Agreement invalid. Any invalid provision shall be considered altered and interpreted so it

does not affect the rest of this agreement.

E-Sign: Each party to this Agreement and any documents delivered in connection with this

Agreement may be electronically signed. The parties understand and acknowledge that any

electronic signatures appearing on this Agreement and any other such documents are the same

as handwritten signatures for the purpose of validity and enforceability.


You can contact Hacienda Service Team at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (512) 764-1492